Corporate Values
1. Integrity :
which is an act to perform duties righteously with adherence to the principle of good morals.
2. Transparency :
Business transactions shall be accompanied by adequate disclosure of information in accordance with the laws, rules, and regulations of all related organizations connected with the control and supervision of any and all business transactions.
3. Accountability :
which is the responsibility to fulfill its obligations by taking into consideration the principle of ethics in making decisions.
4. Commitment to Excellence :
which is a commitment to perform duties in excellence, increase knowledge, be actively prepared, and be enthusiastic in order to better your performance in the areas of your responsibility.
5. Reputation and Morale :
which is an act to build up a good Reputation and Morale of the Company, This is created by not performing any acts which may lead to the destruction of such inter-relationship. The goal is to perform acts that are necessary to solve problems or prevent any acts of improper conducts of others.
6. Equitable Treatment :
Treatment rendered to interested persons whether they are employees, trading partners, creditors and debtors, etc., shall be in a manner of justice and equity. There shall be the disclosure to related persons appropriately.
7. Safety and Occupational Health :
Proceeding in accordance with the laws and various related regulations so that industrial standards in connection with work safety including occupational health of the employees can be complied with.
8. Avoiding Conflict of Interest :
By establishing various controlling mechanisms, it will ensure that Directors and Executives shall carefully and honestly perform their duties. It will also ensure the preservation of the Company’s interests, and to provide a proper structure and balance of the Board of Directors, which will assist in minimizing conflict’s of interest between the Company and the management team.